Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Fastsize launches the Erectile Quality Monitor

There has been a big buzz around the net about our erectile quality monitor or EQM, and it's finally here! For those of you that do not know, this unit measures your erection quality. Now you're probably asking yourself 'Why do I need the erectile quality monitor?' GOOD QUESTION! Here is a small list of answers:

1) The erectile quality monitor helps you understand blood flow in your body and when used properly can help you forsee heart problems and other types of disease.

2) Know the first signs of erectile dysfunction before the onset. Knowing is half the battle!

3) Most men over 40 need to visit their urologist frequently and if the urologist feels its necessary to do a similar test, it can run you into thousands of dollars, this safe-at-home product can save you lots of money and is multi-doctor approved.

Visit the Fastsize Erectile Quality Monitor website and read more information on this fantastic product.

Here's to your health everyone and have a Happy New Year !

Monday, December 1, 2008

PenisFAQ Launch

We just launched our new and exciting project called 'PenisFAQ'. It is essentially a huge reference guide to anything and everything penis and sexual health related. You can learn in depth about men's health on an all encompasing sexual health and wellness encyclopedia. PenisFAQ was created for those who want to learn more about overall sexual health, or to gather information about a specific condition. The well written and researched articles will help you learn about topics such as Early Erectile Dysfunction warning, all the way to discovering conditions such as Micropenis.

Visit Penis FAQ

Friday, November 7, 2008

Special Discount Codes for November

If you visit the blog and read our news we should be able to reward you. So here are the blog readers only discount codes, they are even better than the ones we post publicly, so if you were on the fence about getting our FastSize Penile Extender device before, now is a perfect time to get it. The discount code is blog25nov, it will only be available for November and for the first 100 customers, so don't think too long :)

The same discount code can be used for Roaring Tiger, it can even be combined with the quantity discount. Place items into cart, and enter blog25nov as the discount code and enjoy 25% off.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New Special !

Starting November 5th we are introducing a new special for our performance patches. For those of you who are not familiar with our performance patches, they are slow releasing testosterone boosters which can be used for bodybuilding, sexual performance and many more health benefits. This new offer is not to be confused with our sexual enhancer in the pill form. 

The patches are 100% safe and can also be used by women if you cut the patch into 1/4 of its original size. For more information please visit our website or get your free testosterone booster patches right now.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Welcome to the Official FastSize Blog

Well, this is the official blog for FastSize LLC.
Not even sure why we didn't do this sooner, but this is going to get updated pretty frequently. All news, updates, any special events will be posted here.

A Brief Introduction
FastSize, LLC is one of the first commercialized penis enhancement devices. The reason I say enhancement is because it was initially created for penis enlargement, due to its intended stretching ability. Later, with more medical research it was found to be a great remedy for peyronie's disease. Currently its the only penis enlarging device with ongoing research to further expand on what we know about traction devices and we post all of that information on our website located at

Our Forum
Currently we updated our forum software and location to This is our main hub for information where we can interface with our patients, customers and where anyone can just ask questions. It is a growing forum and we advise any current customers to join and participate in the discussion.

Sex Enhancers
FastSize, LLC also has a pharmaceutical division called RoaringTiger. As some of you may or may not know this natural supplement has been doing wonders with some of our older customers who want to get that 'pep' back. And yes, we do know of you younger pups who are abusing them to get a rush when you're having sex, just be careful! We currently offer oral supplements for loading and usage program, wipes for external use and patches for slow release of testosterone. We just finished a study that the patches in smaller pieces were found to be beneficial for women also, more about this will come later.

Okay that about wraps up the first post, stay tuned for more including our doctor sponsored information website as well as news and updates about the infamous Erectile Quality Monitor (EQM).